Pumpkin Protein Shakes

Hobert Morgan
10 min readJun 10, 2024

Get ready to indulge in the perfect blend of fall flavors and protein-packed goodness with our curated list of Pumpkin Protein Shakes. In this roundup, we’ve gathered some of the most delightful and nutritious options to keep you fueled and satisfied all season long. Dive in and discover your new favorite shake!

The Top 5 Best Pumpkin Protein Shakes

  1. Limited Edition Pumpkin Spice Protein Shake — Indulge guilt-free with Premier Protein’s Pumpkin Spice Nutritional Shake, featuring 30g of protein, essential amino acids, low sugar, and a satisfying pumpkin pie flavor perfect for breakfast, snacking, or post-workout.
  2. Bareorganics Organic Pumpkin Protein Powder for Delicious Shakes — Bareorganics Organic Pumpkin Protein Powder delivers both rich pumpkin flavor and high-quality nutrition, making it a perfect addition to beverages, baked goods, and more.
  3. Orgain Organic Pumpkin Spice Protein Powder — Vegan, Gluten-Free & Non-GMO — Indulge in a delightful fusion of flavor and nourishment with Orgain Organic Pumpkin Spice Protein Powder, boasting 21 grams of top-notch, plant-derived protein per serving.
  4. Healthy Vegan Pumpkin Spice Protein Shake — Experience the ultimate plant-based pumpkin spice protein shake with 20g of clean, gluten-free, and soy-free gainz per scoop, all backed by the high-quality ingredients and innovative blend from GHOST Vegan Protein.
  5. Truvani Pumpkin Spice Organic Vegan Protein Powder — Discover the perfect blend of organic pumpkin spice protein powder, providing 20g of plant-based protein and a delicious dessert-like taste, all without preservatives, artificial colors, or sweeteners.

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Limited Edition Pumpkin Spice Protein Shake


Experience the limited edition Pumpkin Spice flavor of the Premier Protein Nutrition Shake for a delightful, guilt-free treat this fall season. Each 11.5oz bottle contains an impressive 30g of protein, complete with essential amino acids for a fulfilling experience.

Designed to be low in calories and low in fat, this shake delivers only 160 calories and 4g carbs. Plus, it’s gluten-free, keto-friendly, and suitable for those on a bariatric diet or strict kosher requirements.

The shake is made from milk and soy, offering a delicious, creamy texture. Perfect for an on-the-go breakfast or a satisfying snack, this shake is versatile and can be enjoyed as is or blended with your favorite fruits, vegetables, or added to your cereal or oatmeal. Embrace the taste of fall with this limited edition Pumpkin Spice Premier Protein Nutrition Shake.

Bareorganics Organic Pumpkin Protein Powder for Delicious Shakes


Bareorganics Organic Pumpkin Protein Powder offers a delicious way to boost your nutrition with its flavorful taste and beneficial vitamins. This protein powder, perfect for baking, drinks, and smoothies alike, is high in protein and easily digestible, making it a great choice for those with gluten, lactose, and casein intolerances.

Cold-pressed from nutrient-dense pumpkin seeds, it provides a natural energy boost and is an excellent source of zinc, amino acids, iron, and other essential vitamins. Easy to mix with just water or your favorite beverage, this versatile product adds a mild, nutty flavor and smooth texture to soups, hummus, and various desserts.

With a rating of 4.3 and 16 user reviews, this pumpkin protein powder is highly recommended for its taste, mixability, and preparation, providing wholesome nutrition in a convenient and delicious form.

Orgain Organic Pumpkin Spice Protein Powder — Vegan, Gluten-Free & Non-GMO


Indulge in the mouthwatering delight of our Organic Protein Powder, infused with the alluring taste of Pumpkin Spice. This delectable and nutritious treat is a fantastic solution for those aiming to enhance their protein consumption. Each serving provides a satisfying 21 grams of premium organic plant-based protein, sourced from peas, brown rice, and chia seeds, ensuring top-notch quality free from any dairy or soy components.

This protein powder, boasting its vegan, gluten-free, and non-GMO attributes, aligns perfectly with the preferences of those conscious about their food choices.

Experience the versatility of this protein powder as it seamlessly blends in with water, milk, shakes, or even fall recipes to offer an effortless infusion of nutrition. Its adaptability positions it as an excellent alternative for individuals searching for a protein supplement that can be employed in numerous applications, ranging from meal substitutes to smoothies or even as a baking component.

The irresistible taste of our Pumpkin Spice protein powder adds an enticing touch. Not only does it taste divine, but its smooth and easy-to-blend texture guarantees a delightful experience during preparation.

While the calorie count and sugar content may be a concern for some, this protein powder is a perfect fit for those seeking a protein boost without compromising on natural ingredients or additives. Furthermore, its compatibility for men, women, and children makes it a family-friendly option suitable for individuals of all ages.

Healthy Vegan Pumpkin Spice Protein Shake


Using Ghost Vegan Protein in my daily routine has been a game-changer. The company’s commitment to using no hidden ingredients or proprietary blends really resonates with me as a health-conscious individual. The innovative vegan protein blend, consisting of Pea Protein Concentrate, Organic Pumpkin Protein, and Watermelon Seed protein, works well and provides substantial protein per serving.

One of the first things I noticed about this product was its delicious and nutritious Pumpkin Spice CAKE flavor. The sweet and spiced taste makes it a perfect option for those looking to add some variety to their protein routine. Moreover, it’s completely Gluten and Soy Free, which is a huge bonus for those with allergies.

As for the mixability, the product blends well in a shaker or a blender. It provides a smooth consistency without the need for any added sweeteners or artificial flavors. Despite being vegan, the powder does not taste like raw pancake batter or any other unappetizing alternative. The unique combination of flavors creates a delightful aftertaste that keeps me craving more.

One minor gripe I had with the product was the packaging. The size of the tub is quite large, which can be problematic for people who are more environmentally conscious, as it wastes more plastic. However, I understand the need to accommodate generous portions of the product within the tub.

Overall, my experience using Ghost Vegan Protein’s Pumpkin Spice Cake has been incredibly positive. It offers a unique and delicious flavor, blends well, and provides a high-quality plant-based protein option. I look forward to trying more flavors from the brand in the future. The product’s taste, texture, and mixability make it a top-notch choice for vegan fitness enthusiasts seeking a healthy and convenient protein supplement.

Truvani Pumpkin Spice Organic Vegan Protein Powder


Truvani Organic Vegan Protein Powder Pumpkin Spice is a dairy-free, gluten-free, and non-GMO option for those seeking a plant-based protein powder. It’s made from certified organic ingredients and contains 20g of plant-based protein per serving. The Pumpkin Spice flavor provides a delicious taste that’s reminiscent of a dessert, while being easy to prepare with no chalky or grainy texture.

With its use of natural ingredients and lack of preservatives, artificial colors, or artificial sweeteners, Truvani Organic Vegan Protein Powder Pumpkin Spice is a popular choice for those looking to maintain a healthy lifestyle with wholesome protein sources.

Buyer’s Guide

Pumpkin protein shakes have become increasingly popular, especially during the fall season. These refreshing and healthy beverages provide numerous benefits, such as high protein content, essential nutrients, and a delightful taste. In this buyer’s guide, we will discuss the important features to consider when purchasing a pumpkin protein shake, factors affecting your choice, and general advice to help you make the best decision.

General Features to Look For

When shopping for pumpkin protein shakes, consider the following features to ensure you get the best product for your needs and preferences. These features may impact the taste, nutritional value, and overall quality of the shake. Look for products that offer the following characteristics: high protein content, all-natural ingredients, seasonal flavors, and ease of consumption.

Considerations for Specific Needs

Individuals with specific dietary needs or preferences may have unique considerations when purchasing a pumpkin protein shake. Some examples include: lactose intolerance, gluten sensitivity, vegan lifestyle, and preferences for sugar-free or low-carb options. Ensure the product you choose caters to your specific needs and dietary restrictions to maximize its benefits.

Tips for Choosing the Right Product

When selecting a pumpkin protein shake, consider the following advice to help you make an informed decision. Read product labels and reviews to get a better idea of the ingredients, nutritional value, and taste. Check the protein content, sugar levels, and calories to ensure the product aligns with your health goals. And, don’t forget to consider the convenience factor, such as ease of preparation and portability, if you plan to take your shake on-the-go.

General Advice for Using Pumpkin Protein Shakes

To get the most out of your pumpkin protein shake, follow these general advice tips. Ensure proper storage to maintain the shake’s freshness and optimal taste. Consume the shake at appropriate times to maximize its benefits, such as before or after workouts. Mix the shake with your preferred liquid, such as water, milk, or unsweetened almond milk, for a more enjoyable experience. And, don’t hesitate to experiment with different seasonal flavors or add-ins to create your unique recipe.


Are Pumpkin Protein Shakes Healthy?

Yes, pumpkin protein shakes can be a healthy addition to your diet. They typically contain high-quality protein sources, fiber from pumpkin, and various vitamins and minerals. However, it’s essential to check the ingredient list and nutrition facts to ensure that the shake is low in added sugars and provides sufficient nutrients.

In general, pumpkin protein shakes can help support muscle growth, recovery, and overall health, making them a great choice for those looking to incorporate more plant-based protein into their diet or as a convenient meal replacement option for busy individuals on the go. Just be sure to consume them in moderation, as part of a balanced diet, and as advised by your healthcare professional.

Can Vegans and Vegetarians Drink Pumpkin Protein Shakes?

Yes, both vegans and vegetarians can enjoy pumpkin protein shakes. These shakes can be made with plant-based protein sources like pea, soy, or brown rice protein, which are suitable for vegans. Additionally, they typically contain pumpkin, a vegetable, and other natural ingredients that align with vegetarian and vegan dietary requirements.

However, it’s important to read the label and ensure that the shake does not contain any animal-derived ingredients or additives, such as honey or dairy products. With various pumpkin protein shake options available, it’s easy for vegans and vegetarians to find a product that fits their dietary preferences.

What Flavors are Available in Pumpkin Protein Shakes?

Pumpkin protein shakes are often flavored with the unique and delicious taste of pumpkin spices, making them a popular choice during the fall season. Some popular flavors include traditional pumpkin pie, pumpkin spice latte, cinnamon roll, and apple cider. These shakes may also contain additional spices like ginger, nutmeg, and cloves to enhance the taste and provide extra health benefits.

However, if these flavors don’t appeal to you, there are also plain or vanilla-flavored pumpkin protein shakes available. These options can be customized by adding your own favorite flavors, such as cocoa powder, berries, or a dash of vanilla extract, to create a taste that suits your preferences. As always, be sure to read the ingredients list and consult with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian before trying a new product.

Are There Any Side Effects to Drinking Pumpkin Protein Shakes?

Pumpkin protein shakes are generally safe for most people and can be enjoyed as a healthy addition to a balanced diet. However, it’s essential to consume them in moderation and as advised by a healthcare professional, especially if you have any pre-existing medical conditions or are taking any medications that may interact with the shake’s ingredients.

Some potential side effects of consuming too much pumpkin protein shake may include gastrointestinal issues, such as bloating, gas, or diarrhea, due to the high-fiber content. Additionally, consuming excessive amounts of protein may put additional strain on the kidneys or affect liver function in some individuals. If you experience any adverse reactions, discontinue use and consult with a healthcare professional.

Can Pumpkin Protein Shakes Help with Weight Loss?

Yes, pumpkin protein shakes can be a helpful tool for weight loss when incorporated into a balanced and sustainable diet and exercise plan. They typically provide a good source of protein, which can help support muscle growth and recovery, while also keeping you full and satisfied for longer periods of time. This can aid in reducing overall calorie intake and promote weight loss.

However, it’s essential to remember that no single product alone can lead to significant weight loss. A healthy lifestyle that includes a well-balanced diet, regular physical activity, and adequate sleep is crucial for achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. Also, be sure to consult with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian before starting any new weight loss program or incorporating pumpkin protein shakes into your diet.

How Many Calories are in a Pumpkin Protein Shake?

The number of calories in a pumpkin protein shake can vary depending on the brand and specific product. On average, a serving of a pumpkin protein shake (around 240–300 ml or 8–10 ounces) can contain anywhere between 120–240 calories. However, some shakes can have significantly more or fewer calories, so it’s always a good idea to check the nutrition facts label before making a purchase.

Additionally, the calorie content can be influenced by the type of protein source, added flavorings, and sweeteners used in the shake. To ensure that your pumpkin protein shake is an appropriate fit for your dietary needs and calorie goals, be sure to read the nutrition facts and consult with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian.

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